Optimise your costs and increase employee satisfaction!

Discover the benefits of Synergy HR + TAX!

The Synergy HR + TAX a comprehensive service designed to increase efficiency, optimise tax costs and improve employee satisfaction. The perfect choice if your goal is to maintain a competitive, cost-effective and satisfied workforce. 

More than 200 companies have already chosen our services. Now the opportunity is open to you.


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We know your challenges

SYNERGY HR + TAX will be your partner for success!

Tudja meg, hogy jellemzően milyen kérdéseik merülnek fel azoknak a vállalatoknak, akik a szolgáltatásunkat választották.

Do you feel that your wage bill is too high?

One of the biggest challenges for businesses in 2025 will be rising wage costs, which have been rising for years. We often find in our due diligence that wages make up the bulk of the costs. Legtöbbször azt látjuk, hogy a bérezési struktúrához évek óta nem nyúltak hozzá. A foglalkoztatás módja is sokszor elavult és nem veszi figyelembe az abban rejlő lehetőségeket. Ez jelentős hatással van a vállalkozások profitjára. Szolgáltatásunk arra is kínál hatékony megoldást, hogy hogyan lehet a most optimal taxation in addition to dealing with the benefitsbenefits, the result of which is that profit increases

Not sure if you are paying your wages at the most optimal tax rate?

When have you reviewed whether you are using the most optimal pay practices? Our experience has been that company managers often do not receive adequate information and advice from their payroll administrator, so over the years miss out on millions in savings. In many cases, they do not even take into account the tax credits that are already applicable to us, so pay more each monththan it should. Our SYNERGY HR + TAX service review the overall pay structure and deliver the most optimal, tax-efficient solutions. 

Is a satisfied employee important to you?

In today's labour market, satisfied employees are the key to a company's success. That is why it is important to know from time to time how satisfied they really are with their own situation and the benefits offered by the company. The vast majority of our advice points to the fact that increases employee satisfaction, if the benefits package takes their needs and living situation into account. This is why an important part of our service is a precise assessment of their needs, which we will report in detail to policy makers and propose how to apply them in a tax-efficient way. In this situation, everyone wins: at the same time, the company achieves the an increase in satisfaction and cost efficiency, thus increasing profits. 

Want a competitive advantage over your competitors?

Competition for the right workers will be fierce in 2025. Not only attracting new workers, but also retaining existing workers will be a major challenge for businesses. Egyértelmű cél a fluktuáció minimalizálása for the efficient and professional operation of companies. An a consciously structured HR activity, which includes asking for feedback and measuring employee satisfaction on an ongoing basis, contributes significantly to increasing retention rates and to create an attractive working atmosphere and image. Today, this is a major competitive advantage in the marketplace when it comes to workers' choices. Closely linked to the application of benefits issues in satisfaction measurement, our complex service also gives companies a competitive edge. 

I want to optimise tax costs and improve employee satisfaction!

We can help you achieve your goals

Our SYNERGY HR + TAX solving solution for you!

Through our proposals you can reduce hidden labour costs and maximise profits.

A tax-efficient benefits system not only makes the company more attractive, but also reduces turnover as well.

During our targeted HR and tax audit Identify cost-effective benefit and reward options.

Munkavállalói elégedettségi felmérésünkkel help you understand what motivates your team members - either through anonymous questionnaires or face-to-face interviews, which are optional. 

We will formulate a concrete development plan. Based on our proposals, tangible results can be expected from the first steps.

We provide ongoing support We help the team to use new methods smoothly.

Your business at the center

SYNERGY HR + TAX brings you fast and long-lasting results

Our dedicated HR consultant will launch the employee satisfaction survey.

Our dedicated tax consultant will audit and analyze the implemented benefit packages.

Our HR and tax consulting colleagues will review the processes related to salaries and HR.

Your company

Following the reviews (HR and taxation), we will create a tailored action plan for the company’s leadership.

We prepare savings calculations for you, quantifying the results of our consultancy.

Based on the recommendations, our HR and tax consulting team provides comprehensive support in implementing the development steps.

Our team is always at your disposal

How we will work for you

Dedicated HR expert

We provide our clients with a dedicated HR expert with several years of experience during the service delivery. This expert will conduct HR-related reviews, carry out interviews, analyze HR processes, and prepare tailored solutions for you to ensure increased employee satisfaction in the future, thereby also reducing turnover. 

Dedicated Tax Consultant

We provide a dedicated tax consultant with significant experience in payroll and benefits taxation during the service delivery. This expert will audit the entire compensation structure of your business as well as the methods of employment. At the conclusion of the review, they will present recommendations for creating the most efficient tax and benefits package, taking into account the results of the HR analysis as well. 

Dedicated Account Manager

In addition to the professional team, we assign you a dedicated key account manager who maintains contact with you for quality assurance purposes. The goal of the key account manager in the collaboration is to ensure that you consistently receive the best services to support the success of your business.

Find out why others choose us!

Why should you choose us?


Experience and expertise

We work with the finest experts in HR and tax consulting, putting their knowledge at your service. Our solutions have proven successful many times, ensuring we will deliver real results for you as well. 


Efficiency and Quantified Results

A SYNERGY HR + TAX szolgáltatásunk a piaci igényekhez van alakítva. Folyamataink egymásra épülnek és gondos tervezés és tapasztalat eredménye. 


Data protection

Our company handles your financial and personal data securely and reliably, fully complying with data protection regulations. Our in-house IT experts ensure the highest level of data security for you.


Communication – Available in English as Well

We strongly believe in effective communication. We maintain constant contact with our clients and don’t just wait for them to reach out to us. We ask questions and ensure they are addressed. Our excellent English communication skills enable us to liaise effectively with foreign owners as well. 


The Complexity of the Service

Our service is designed to meet the needs of company executives, with our HR and tax experts working together to ensure your success. If needed, our legal experts are also available to support regulatory compliance. This complexity is the key to success!


Significant Cost Savings

Our experts help identify opportunities for your business to optimize labor costs, including maximizing available tax benefits. The result of our service: significant savings and satisfied employees!

Still thinking?

Don’t wait any longer – optimize your costs while enhancing employee satisfaction!

Don’t let high labor costs hinder the growth of your business! Discover how you can achieve significant savings while increasing employee satisfaction and engagement with the help of Synergy HR+ TAX!

Let’s start today with a no-obligation consultation!

We will be your strategic partners on the path to success!

SYNERGY HR + TAX delivers results for you in the short term!

The Synergy HR + TAX cost-reducing and efficiency-enhancing recommendations deliver tangible financial benefits in the short and medium term. During implementation, we provide continuous support to ensure that the introduced changes operate smoothly, while employee satisfaction continues to improve steadily.

This comprehensive approach enables companies to maintain their competitiveness even as labor costs rise, maximize their profits, and secure a stable, satisfied workforce in the long term.


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Pay no more or less tax than is legally required.

An excellent payroll service provider will provide your company with a stable, efficient and reliable background.

A főkönyvelés új dimenziója – fedezze fel a hibrid könyvelést! A főkönyvelés kiszervezése innovatív és biztonságos megoldás a modern cégvezetők számára.


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