The most dynamically growing and one of the largest, Hungarian-owned advisory groups!

Az ICT Európa csoport egy olyan magyar tulajdonban lévő ügyviteli szolgáltató vállalatcsoport, amely a magyar KKV és nagyvállalati szektor fejlődésre vágyó, stratégiai gondolkodású szereplőinek eljuttatja azt a szolgáltatási színvonalat, ügyfélélményt, komplex tanácsadói támogatást (könyvelés, bérszámfejtés, adózás, számvitel, üzleti döntéstámogatás, transzferár, jog és HR) amely eredményeként biztonságra, versenyelőnyre tesznek szert!


Professionals in our group


Professional publication per year


Years professional experience


Satisfied clientels

This is why it's beneficial to work with us

Main services

in which we provide help

Click on the area in which you most need expert support. You can access our more detailed services by selecting the main area of expertise. If you have specific service needs, please contact us.

Common among our Clientels

Find out what the typical needs of the companies that work with us are.

Looking for a strategic partner

Our clients expect decision-preparation and decision-support information in the areas we provide. We provide this information on an ongoing basis.

Need for complex services

What our clients like about us is that we provide them with a comprehensive and complex service in several areas (accounting, payroll, taxation, legal advice, HR advice and auditing).

Importance of safety

We take professional and financial responsibility for the services we provide to our clients, so they can focus on their core business.

Growth objectives

Our customers are typically growing, outgrowing their previous provider. We keep them growing and constantly support them with new services.  

Need a customised offer?

Step 1

Contact us by filling in any of the forms on this page, or by calling our main telephone number or email address.
Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot az ezen az oldalon található űrlapok bármelyikének kitöltésével, vagy hívja fő telefonszámunkat vagy e-mail címünket.


Step 2

Once the contact has been made, in 24 hours you will be contacted by a Key Account Manager in the area. He or she will discuss the details of your interest with you, if necessary in person or online, and depending on the case, we will also involve our expert colleagues. This is of course free of charge.


Step 3

We will meet with you in person or online. During this meeting, we will assess your specific needs, discuss the circumstances of the transaction and discuss company-specific information.


Step 4

Following the meeting in 48 hours we will send you our detailed and company-specific offer! From here
the decision is yours  


Step 5

We look forward to starting to work together and contributing our expertise to the success of your business.


Our clients said

Blog & Podcast

Latest news and podcast episodes

Blog posts

A transzferár-dokumentáció két alapvető része a helyi- és a fődokumentum, amelyekkel minden kötelezettnek rendelkeznie kell.

How can transfer pricing obligations be met?

Növelheti a megtakarítást és a munkavállalói elégedettséget az adóügyi és a HR-osztály...

MRP: Hogyan teheted a munkavállalóidat a cég sikerének valódi részeseivé?

A mai üzleti világban a jogszabályi megfelelés nemcsak kötelezettség, hanem a sikeres...

Hogyan érintik a TEÁOR’25 változások a cégeket? Teendők és határidők

A TEÁOR’08-ról TEÁOR’25-re való átállás fontos változásokat hoz a gazdasági szervezetek számára....

Our Podcasts

The US market is a great opportunity for Hungarian companies.

Do you want to expand? Have you thought about entering the US market with your product or service?

Labour law issues and experiences - 2024

Labor law changes frequently and it is not easy to keep up to date. 

The benefits of outsourcing your general ledger

As well as outsourcing responsibility or using an experienced professional team, minimising security risks can be a compelling argument.


Frequently Asked Questions

We've put together the most important ones so you don't have to, and to make our service completely transparent. 

In general, we provide our services to growing companies. Our clients are mainly in the medium and large corporate sector. Our industry experience is significant and diversified, with companies from all sectors in our portfolio.

We maintain constant and flexible communication with our clients, whether it's face-to-face meetings, online discussions or regular reports. Transparency and fast response times are of paramount importance to us, so that we can always provide up-to-date and proactive support to our partners.

Our tax advisers are also at your disposal for tax matters. Whether it's an ad hoc assignment, comprehensive tax planning or tax due diligence. We offer guaranteed response times and take financial responsibility for our work. 

Of course. All members of our group have substantial liability insurance in case a situation arises where we need to take financial responsibility. Fortunately, we have only had to do so on a handful of occasions in the last 15 years, and our advice is provided by highly qualified experts with considerable industry and professional experience.  

We recommend that when you have doubts or thoughts about changing accountants, you should immediately look for a new accounting firm. Usually the problem that makes company managers want to change accountants is only the tip of the iceberg, so we recommend not to delay.

By filling in all the forms on our website or by contacting you can contact us immediately by sending an e-mail to. If you would like to contact us by phone, please call our central number: +36 1 / 33 44 279. 


Contact us!

Our colleagues in 24 hours will provide you with further details.

91-93. Budafoki út, Budapest, 1117
IP West Office Building 4th Floor


Contact us!