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Our focus is on your business!

As lawyers at ICT LEGAL, Termel & Zsidi Law Firm, we are experts in assisting with the establishment and creation of a trust. Our experienced professionals are ready to work with you to find the best solution for your needs and future goals.

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Why is it important to consider trust management?

Fiduciary asset management offers a number of benefits for those who want to achieve long-term financial security and asset stability. Here are some reasons why you should consider a trust.

Asset protection and legal security

A trust allows your assets to be managed in a protected environment, protecting them from legal problems, lawsuits or even unexpected claims. This can be particularly important for entrepreneurs, families or people in high-risk professions, for example.

No more delays in paying your wages!

We take individual deadlines strictly and record them in our corporate management system. Our system will constantly remind you of upcoming tasks and deadlines, giving you a real guarantee that there will be no delays.

You will know when and what to pay!

You will see your contributions and other tax liabilities on time so that you can plan ahead, which will improve the financial stability of your business.

We provide experienced and dedicated colleagues!

We handle payroll for more than 200 clients every day, including the most extreme forms of benefits. We train our colleagues on an ongoing basis and regularly inform our clients of any changes affecting their payroll.

You will know when and what to pay!

You will see your contributions and other tax liabilities on time so that you can plan ahead, which will improve the financial stability of your business.

Have the tasks become more complex? Is complex service important to you?


Why should you choose us?


Leading the way in setting up trusts

Our law firm has prepared trusts for more than 100 clients, designing the most optimal structures. Our experience and expertise provide you with an effective solution. Several of our expert articles and self-directed webinars on the subject are available.


We make your unique ideas a reality

We know that our clients' trust management needs are tailored to their individual circumstances. Our experts will take into account your ideas and provide you with suggestions for further improvements, which will lead to the best individual solution for you.


Clear communication

It is particularly important that this legal concept is understood by non-executives. Therefore, we communicate very carefully and thoroughly with our clients to ensure that each successive step is transparent and understandable.


Átfogó támogatás és tanácsadás

Not only do we help you with the set-up process, we also support you in the long term, ensuring that your trust is effective. We can advise you on legal, financial and tax issues so that you can always make the best decisions.


Discretion and security

We take great care to protect your personal and financial information. We guarantee complete discretion and the highest level of security in the management of your trust, so that you can concentrate on achieving your goals.


Long-term partnership

We aim to be a long-term, reliable partner you can always count on. We keep abreast of legislative changes and financial market developments so that you always receive the most up-to-date and relevant advice.

Our focus is on your business!

Take the first step towards wealth security and long-term financial stability today!

Whether it's tax planning benefits, inheritance, exit, asset security, privacy or financial stability for your family, a trust is the right solution for you.

Request a no obligation consultation!

Ügyfeleink szeretik.

Dedikált jogi szakértőt biztosítunk.

Tapasztaltunkat és szakértelmünket az Ön szolgáltatába állítjuk.

If necessary, we also take care of the bookkeeping for the established trust.

Folyamatos támogatást biztosítunk.

Opcionálisan cégértékelést is készítünk.

We will work with you to find the best solution.

Our strategic partner

Accurate accounting is the secret to long-term relationships.

Our strategic cooperation partner Login Autonom Kft, a leader in HR digitalisation solutions, offers an optional innovative software for our payroll services, which brings significant benefits to our customers.

The software allows you to replace the traditional paper-based attendance record in Excel spreadsheets with a fully digitised system.

This solution enables accurate, fast and transparent management of working time and absences, while significantly increasing the efficiency of personnel management.

Learn more about our Company!

Our Group in numbers


Professionals in our group


Professional publication per year


Years professional experience


Satisfied clientels

Your business at the center

atékonyan készítjük el az Ön bizalmi vagyonkezelőjét.

Personalised planning

We will customise your trust structure to your specific needs and objectives, ensuring that it perfectly meets your financial, legal and family needs.

Full legal and financial support

Our team of experts will take care of all the legal and financial details, from contract drafting to tax issues, so you don't have to worry about the details.

Maximum data and information protection

Biztosítjuk, hogy minden személyes és pénzügyi információja a legszigorúbb biztonsági intézkedések mellett kerül kezelésre, garantálva a teljes diszkréciót.

Your company

Flexibility and adaptability

The structure of the trust will be flexible so that it can be easily adapted to your changing needs and life situations over time, ensuring long-term effectiveness.

Ongoing support and updates:

We provide ongoing support not only during the start-up phase, but also afterwards. We regularly update the trust in line with current legislation and advise on how to optimise it.

Secure succession and asset protection

We help to ensure that you protect your assets for future generations in the safest and most efficient way, minimising tax burdens and legal risks.

Who helps?

Így fogunk Önnek dolgozni

A folyamatos együttműködés alkalmával három kollégát biztosítunk 

Dedikált könyvelő

Vedd fel velünk a kapcsolatot, az oldalon található bármely űrlap kitöltésével, vagy központi telefonszámunkon, illetve e-mail címünkön.
Amennyiben az űrlapot töltöd ki, kérünk, hogy add meg az adatait és cégadatokat, valamint részletesen írd meg nekünk, hogy melyik szolgáltatásunk iránt érdeklődsz.

Könyvelési csoportvezető

A könyvelő mellett dedikálunk Önnek egy könyvelési csoportvezetőt is, akivel pedig a stratégiai kapcsolatot tartják.

Ő lesz az, aki a látott adatok alapján fog javaslatokat megfogalmazni Önnek, ő fogja összeállítani a havi könyvelési jelentéseit a vállalkozásának.

A könyvelési csoportvezető folyamatosan ellenőrzi is a könyvelő munkáját, így ellenőrző funkciót is betölt, ezért
Ön nyugodt lehet afelől, hogy minden rendben van.

Ügyfélkapcsolati menedzsert

Vedd fel velünk a kapcsolatot, az oldalon található bármely űrlap kitöltésével, vagy központi telefonszámunkon, illetve e-mail címünkön.
Amennyiben az űrlapot töltöd ki, kérünk, hogy add meg az adatait és cégadatokat, valamint részletesen írd meg nekünk, hogy melyik szolgáltatásunk iránt érdeklődsz.

Ügyfélkapcsolati Igazgató

Ügyfeleink elégedettségért továbbá az Ügyfélkapcsolati Igazgató is felelős.

Hozzá tud fordulni akkor is, ha valamilyen visszajelzést szeretne adni.


Our clients said

More services

Related services

HR audit and consultancy

Thanks to our professional HR services, your business can run more efficiently than ever and stay one step ahead of the competition.

Labour law due diligence

Employment due diligence is carried out by experienced legal partners and payroll specialists who work with more than 250 partners from all industries every month. This guarantees that we can offer effective solutions to your problems.

Payroll due diligence

Find out how you can make your payroll processes more efficient with our due diligence service. Our experts identify errors, optimise payroll and ensure regulatory compliance.


Frequently Asked Questions

We provide a dedicated payroll administrator and payroll team leader for all our clients, who will carry out the payroll tasks of the company on a monthly basis from the initial meeting onwards.

Within our group, we have a dedicated opening team for handover. We do this to ensure that the day-to-day work can be left to the colleagues who are doing the day-to-day work and that the necessary payroll material can be received in parallel. During the opening process, the company is set up in the Key-Soft system, the payroll data for the previous month of the year are recorded and the system is parameterised. In addition, during an opening meeting, the processes will be set up (transfer of time data, transfer of holiday, sick leave, etc. data, tasks related to social security administration, setting up processes, format of payrolls, transfer files, etc.)

Our group uses the payroll software Kulcs-Soft. Every two years, we review the software on the market to see which is best suited to our processes and customer needs. Both the payroll module and the client interface of Kulcs-Soft are user-friendly and easy to use.

Our monthly service fee includes the software license fee, the customer does not need to register, create a user profile and pay a monthly/annual fee for the software.

Az elkészült bérszámfejtést követően minden munkavállalónak az előre beállított magán e-mail címére, jelszóval védett bérjegyzéket küldünk. A cégvezetőnek (vagy pénzügyesnek/ pénzügyi vezetőnek) a teljes cég béradatait átküldjük PDF, Excel, Csv formátumban. Továbbá utalási fájlt készítünk (az ügyfél által használt bank formátumában) az utalandó bérekhez és a járulékokhoz is, ezzel időt megtakarítva az ügyfélnek, valamint kiszűrve a hibázás lehetőségét az utalandó bérek, bankszámlaszámok, devizanemek terén.

We take full responsibility for our work. We also have liability insurance, which fortunately we have never needed before. We submit all related tax returns through our own client portal, not the client's, ensuring that in the event of a dispute or penalty, the tax authorities do not take the option of fining the client.

Yes it is possible, we can provide "Read - read only" access to the system. Also, if you are using the Key-Soft web presence, Scheduler modules, we can set up the necessary access to the system to upload payroll data, time data, leave data to the system.

Our contract is open-ended, with 2 months' notice.


Contact us!

One of our colleagues in 24 hours will contact you and provide a complementary consultation to discuss the details.


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