Transactional consultancy
Our focus is on your business!
Átvilágításaink során azt tapasztaljuk, hogy a cégek nagy többsége nem használ legális adóoptimalizálási lehetőségeket, így milliós nagyságrendeket veszítenek évről évre, amikor ez a megtakarítás növelhetné a profitot is. Most Önnek is van lehetősége, hogy szintet lépjen az adózás terén, forduljon hozzánk!
More than 200 companies have already chosen our services.
Scroll down for more information!

We will be truly strategic partners in the future!
Find out what challenges are typically faced by the companies we can help.
Do you feel you pay too much tax?
Nincs egyedül. Tapasztalt adótancsadó kollégáink a külsős cégek átvilágítása során több mint 90 százalékban tárnak fel olyan adózási lehetőségeket, amelyek mindaddig ismeretlenek voltak a vállalkozások számára. Évekig fizettek több adót a cégek, mint amennyit legálisan szükséges lett volna. Nézzük meg Önnél is, hogy van-e kihasználatlan adó- vagy adóalapkedvezmény, ami elkerülte a figyelmét.
Does your accountant give you any tax optimisation tips?
Tax advisory has become a specialized field in its own right. Accounting is fundamentally an area that requires diverse expertise, and we may be inclined to believe that an accountant should also serve as a tax advisor, expecting them to provide solutions for tax-related issues. However, we recommend consulting a dedicated tax advisor for tax-related matters—someone who works exclusively in the field of taxation. Our tax optimization team consists only of experienced tax advisors whose daily role is to develop the most suitable tax strategies for our clients.
Are you concerned about how your accountant might react if you have an external tax advisor review your tax matters?
In our experience with tax audits, we find that the vast majority of accountants view our work as helpful, and we often provide them with support on professional matters as well. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about potential issues, as we share a common goal: to offer the highest level of professional support to ensure the success of the business. Both the accountant and the external tax advisor work together toward this objective.
Have the tasks become more complex? Is complex service important to you?
Why should you choose us?
More than 15 years of tax transparency experience
Adószakértőink több 100 cég átvilágításán vannak túl, melynek tapasztalatait az Ön cégénél is érvényre juttatjuk.
We constantly monitor tax changes
Tax options change frequently. Our expert tax advisers keep up to date with the latest changes and take them into account in our due diligence!
We carry out an effective investigation
Over the years we have improved our timetable and developed a process for tax due diligence. That's why we won't delay you, we'll get the job done efficiently, and you'll enjoy the results quickly.
Language skills
Is it important to you that we share the results of the tax due diligence with the owners or managers of your parent company? We are available in English and will be happy to present the results!
Industry knowledge
In tax, industry knowledge is crucial to achieve the best possible results. Our tax experts at ICT have the most up-to-date industry knowledge, which is a guarantee for you.
We also take financial responsibility for the professional advice we provide during our tax due diligence! This is your guarantee and assurance!
How we will work for you
Once the assignment contract is signed, our professional managers will allocate your company among our experts.
We guarantee safety through controlled and monitored work processes.
Dedikált könyvelő és könyvelési csoportvezető egy oldalról közelíti meg Önnel a felvetéseket. A feladatvégzésük megoldásorientált!
Kézzel fogható pénzügyi eredményei vannak az együttműködésünknek.
We support invoice filing with an automated solution that also makes communication faster and more efficient.
There is time and capacity for your business.
We have an international perspective and experience in accounting and taxation.
We offer a complex range of services, including: tax, transfer pricing, legal services, HR and auditing through an independent partner.

Learn more about our Company!
Our Group in numbers
Professionals in our group
Professional publication per year
Years professional experience
Satisfied clientels
Stay ahead of your competitors in taxation!
By taking advantage of legal tax optimisation opportunities thanks to our tax due diligence, your business will be even more successful! Stay one step ahead of your competitors in this area too!
No fixed date, let's talk about it!
Your business at the center
We will find the best tax options for you!
Monthly management report, sent after the month in question
No surprises at the end of the year
Our monthly closures give you peace of mind
Your company
Tailored turnover, profit and balance sheet datas
We show the amount of corporation tax and business tax to be paid in the future
We calculate tax and tax base adjustments and possible allowances on a monthly basis.
Our clients said
Tax optimization
Enikő Bakó
CEO - Pan–Italia Kft.
We chose ICT as our accountancy firm 7 years ago, we were welcomed by a professional team and the transition was smooth. Their professionalism, reliability and excellent communication have made this a balanced and harmonious partnership, whether it be for labour, payroll, accounting or tax. We work together in perfect harmony and seamlessly. As we operate a paperless office, we are happy to use the online system to upload documents, which supports our work with a wide range of statements and planning options.

Judit Bóna
CEO - Com-Forth Ipari Informatikai Kft.
General ledger
We switched from the risk of a small accountancy firm to the security of a professional accountancy firm. They created a structured order. They created security for accounting data. They anticipate the potential tax risks and tax benefits of each transaction. They provide fast and professional assistance in dealing with the tax authorities.

Róbert Kolonics
As a manager of a small business, I would never have imagined that "accounting" as a service could be run professionally, with responsibility! But I found what I thought did not exist!

Gábor Majoros
CEO - Enertech Hungária Kft.
Complex services
I like to work with you because, despite the fact that our company is not a simple structure (parent company in a 3rd country with a branch in another member state) and has a diverse supplier and customer base (domestic, EU and 3rd country), you are prepared, communicative, legally sound and up-to-date in your accounting tasks. It is a pleasure for me to be able to sit back and concentrate on other professional or managerial tasks!

Enrico Mák
CEO - Merico Zrt.
Complex services
Looking back on several years of successful and fruitful cooperation with ICT, I can confidently say that every day we confirm that it was the best decision to entrust our accounting, payroll and other consulting tasks to this team. The precise, accurate and comprehensive expertise that is concentrated in ICT is, for me, exemplary and respectable, and has been confirmed by many partners besides us. No doubt, we will continue to work with the ICT team in the future!

Bálint Farkas
CEO - Geodézia Zrt.
More services
Related services
HR audit and consultancy
Thanks to our professional HR services, your business can run more efficiently than ever and stay one step ahead of the competition.
Labour law due diligence
Employment due diligence is carried out by experienced legal partners and payroll specialists who work with more than 250 partners from all industries every month. This guarantees that we can offer effective solutions to your problems.
Payroll due diligence
Find out how you can make your payroll processes more efficient with our due diligence service. Our experts identify errors, optimise payroll and ensure regulatory compliance.
Frequently Asked Questions
We provide a dedicated payroll administrator and payroll team leader for all our clients, who will carry out the payroll tasks of the company on a monthly basis from the initial meeting onwards.
Within our group, we have a dedicated opening team for handover. We do this to ensure that the day-to-day work can be left to the colleagues who are doing the day-to-day work and that the necessary payroll material can be received in parallel. During the opening process, the company is set up in the Key-Soft system, the payroll data for the previous month of the year are recorded and the system is parameterised. In addition, during an opening meeting, the processes will be set up (transfer of time data, transfer of holiday, sick leave, etc. data, tasks related to social security administration, setting up processes, format of payrolls, transfer files, etc.)
Our group uses the payroll software Kulcs-Soft. Every two years, we review the software on the market to see which is best suited to our processes and customer needs. Both the payroll module and the client interface of Kulcs-Soft are user-friendly and easy to use.
Our monthly service fee includes the software license fee, the customer does not need to register, create a user profile and pay a monthly/annual fee for the software.
Az elkészült bérszámfejtést követően minden munkavállalónak az előre beállított magán e-mail címére, jelszóval védett bérjegyzéket küldünk. A cégvezetőnek (vagy pénzügyesnek/ pénzügyi vezetőnek) a teljes cég béradatait átküldjük PDF, Excel, Csv formátumban. Továbbá utalási fájlt készítünk (az ügyfél által használt bank formátumában) az utalandó bérekhez és a járulékokhoz is, ezzel időt megtakarítva az ügyfélnek, valamint kiszűrve a hibázás lehetőségét az utalandó bérek, bankszámlaszámok, devizanemek terén.
We take full responsibility for our work. We also have liability insurance, which fortunately we have never needed before. We submit all related tax returns through our own client portal, not the client's, ensuring that in the event of a dispute or penalty, the tax authorities do not take the option of fining the client.
Yes it is possible, we can provide "Read - read only" access to the system. Also, if you are using the Key-Soft web presence, Scheduler modules, we can set up the necessary access to the system to upload payroll data, time data, leave data to the system.
Our contract is open-ended, with 2 months' notice.
Contact us!
Our colleagues in 24 hours will provide you with further details.
91-93. Budafoki út, Budapest, 1117
IP West Office Building 4th Floor