Irrecoverable debts

Don't let your bad debts go to waste - claim back your VAT!

Our focus is on your business!

The management of bad debts affects many companies, but VAT reclaims can be a major saving. Did you know that as of 1 January 2020, Hungarian companies can reclaim the VAT content of irrecoverable debts? ICT LEGAL's expert lawyers can help your business recover VAT on your bad debts, saving you money that you can reinvest in your business.

More than 200 companies have already chosen our services.


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In what circumstances can you recover the VAT content of your irrecoverable debt?

The businesses concerned will be able to claim back the tax from 1 January 2020 if the claim is irrecoverable, i.e. if the buyer is in liquidation and it can be proved that the claim is not or only partially recoverable; or if the debtor is in liquidation and it can also be proved that the claim is not secured.

Do you feel that your money is lost?

Bad debts not only affect liquidity, but VAT can also be a loss. Reclaiming VAT is subject to complex regulations, but we can guide you through the process and ensure you comply with all legal requirements.

Are you afraid that claiming a refund is too much administration?

Administration is time and resource intensive, but our team takes the burden off your shoulders. Thanks to our years of experience, we manage the refund process efficiently. We prepare the documentation so you can focus on your business.

Afraid that your refund will not be successful?

ICT Europe's experienced experts know exactly how to ensure a successful refund so that you get back the VAT you are entitled to. We have successfully recovered up to 10 million euros for you, which is a guarantee for you.

Request a no obligation consultation!


Why should you choose us?


Wide range of expertise

ICT LEGAL's team has extensive experience in handling bad debt and VAT recovery procedures, ensuring that all legal and financial steps are taken professionally.


Legislative knowledge

VAT refund rules are constantly changing and can be complicated. ICT LEGAL keeps up-to-date with the latest legislation to ensure that their clients benefit from all the rightful discounts.


Full range of services

ICT LEGAL can take care of the entire process of handling bad debts, from the preparation of the documentation to the communication with the tax authorities, thus taking the administrative burden off your company's shoulders.


Fast and efficient administration

Thanks to their experience and efficient workflows, ICT LEGAL can quickly enforce VAT reclaims, minimising clients' liquidity problems.


Personalised advice

ICT LEGAL offers tailor-made solutions for each client, taking into account the specific situation, industry and needs of the company, in order to achieve the highest possible recoverable amount.


Minimising risk

Legal and tax errors can have serious consequences. ICT LEGAL's expertise ensures that claims are handled in a legally correct manner, avoiding potential penalties and legal disputes.


Don't let the VAT go to waste!

ICT Legal's experts have years of experience in the field of VAT recovery of irrecoverable debts and have recovered tens of millions of HUF for their clients with a success rate of almost 100%. Be the next to have your case successfully resolved.

No fixed date, let's talk about it!

How will we work for you?

Preliminary consultation

The process starts with an initial consultation, where ICT LEGAL experts review the client's receivables, assess the status of the bad debt and identify the possibilities for VAT recovery.

Collection of documents

The next step is to collect the necessary documents to prove the existence of the bad debt. These may include contracts, invoices, payment notices and other legal documents.

Claims analysis and classification

ICT LEGAL's experts will analyse your claims in detail to ensure that they have a legal basis and comply with VAT recovery legislation. At this point it is decided which claims can be classified as irrecoverable.

Preparing a refund application

Once all the necessary data is available, the team will prepare a VAT refund application, including legal references, details of the claims and all the necessary annexes.

Communication with the tax authorities

ICT LEGAL submits the refund application to the tax authorities and represents the client during the procedure. This includes liaising with the tax authorities, handling any queries and additional documents.

Tracking results and closing a claim

At the end of the process, ICT LEGAL monitors the outcome of the procedure and notifies the client of the amount of VAT recovered. If necessary, further legal action will be taken to ensure success.

Learn more about our Company!

Our Group in numbers


Professionals in our group


Professional publication per year


Years professional experience


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Your business at the center

We provide you with a development tax credit of millions!

Assessing the conditions for eligibility.

No surprises at the end of the year!

Our monthly closures give you peace of mind

Your company

Tailored turnover, profit and balance sheet datas

We show the amount of corporation tax and business tax to be paid in the future

We calculate tax and tax base adjustments and possible allowances on a monthly basis.


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Frequently Asked Questions

A szükséges dokumentumok közé tartoznak a számlák, szerződések, fizetési felszólítások, bírósági végzések, illetve minden olyan irat, amely alátámasztja, hogy a követelés behajthatatlan és az adó fizetése megtörtént.

Az ÁFA visszaigénylési folyamat időtartama a követelés összetettségétől és az adóhatósággal való kapcsolattartás gyorsaságától függ. Általában néhány hónapot vehet igénybe, de a pontos időtartam esetről esetre változhat.

Az ICT LEGAL széleskörű tapasztalattal rendelkezik a behajthatatlan követelések kezelésében, naprakész a jogszabályi változásokkal kapcsolatban, és teljes körű ügyintézést nyújt a dokumentációtól kezdve az adóhatósággal való kapcsolattartásig. Ezzel időt és energiát takarítunk meg Ügyfeleinknek, miközben minimalizáljuk a jogi kockázatokat.

Az ÁFA visszaigénylés szolgáltatás díja az ügy összetettségétől és a követelés nagyságától függ. Az ICT LEGAL rugalmas díjazási struktúrát kínál, beleértve sikerdíjas megoldásokat is, ahol a költségek a visszaigényelt összeghez igazodnak.


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91-93. Budafoki út, Budapest, 1117
IP West Office Building 4th Floor


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