Cash-Flow optimalisation: The key to growing your business

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Cash-Flow optimalisation: The key to growing your business

For businesses, cash flow is the lifeline. A healthy cash flow not only helps finance day-to-day business operations, but also provides opportunities for growth and development. In this blog post, we will show you how to effectively optimise cash flow to help your business grow.

3 minute read


1. Financial planning and monitoring:

The first and most important step is financial planning. Prepare a detailed budget and financial plan that maps out your income, expenses and investments for the coming period. This will help you see where you can save or spend resources more efficiently.

It's important to have an up-to-date view of your cash flow: for example, our SLM intelligent financial management software can help you with this in the future.

For details, please visit

2. Inventory management

Stocks can tie up a lot of cash and this can hamper cash flow. Make sure you manage your inventories properly so that you don't have an overstock or even a shortage.

You can plan material purchases and production more efficiently by accurately anticipating stock movements.

To do this, you need a professional inventory management system so that you always have up-to-date and accurate information.

3. Reduce unnecessary expenditure

Take a critical look at your company's expenditure. Identify and eliminate unnecessary or inefficient expenditure.

There may be areas where you can make savings without reducing quality or performance.

Review not only the expenditure but also the services and products that are not generating enough profit, for which we recommend engaging a controlling expert.

Our trained controlling experts are also available to you in this area.

4. Establish and maintain an appropriate accounts receivable management process

Late invoice payments and outstanding receivables also affect cash flow. Be efficient in recovering receivables and strengthen customer relationships.

Receiving payments in a timely manner can help cash flow. Establish an efficient and regular receivables management system.

Keep up to date with your overdue invoices, with the help of our SLM financial management software.

Our legal department has considerable experience in developing the accounts receivable management process, contact us for more information.

5. Financing alternatives

Consider financing alternatives such as short-term loans or leases.

These can help provide immediate liquidity for investments needed for growth without creating long-term debt.

6. Investing in growth

One of the goals of cash flow optimisation is to look for opportunities for growth.

Choose the right time and way to invest, for example to launch new products or services or to expand in the market.

7. Cash reserve

Every business should have a reserve for unexpected situations.

An adequate cash reserve will help you get through difficult times without becoming a barrier to growth.

Optimising cash flow not only improves liquidity, but also allows the business to be more flexible and better prepared to take on new opportunities.

Careful financial planning, effective cost control and timely investments all contribute to improving cash flow and promoting sustainable growth of the business.


Our experts are also at your disposal to discuss and design the entire process, tailored to your company, to contribute to the efficient operation and growth of your business. Contact us by filling in the form below.

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